100% Hand Painted Oil Paintings on Canvas!
Professional Artists - Museum Quality Paintings - No prints or computer generated techniques
Australian Owned and Operated - Local Contact
Australia's number one Oil Painting supplier with 10+ years of delivering masterpieces Australia wide.
Framing Options: You have 3 choices:
Option 1. Choose a floating frame
Please choose one and the painting will be sent to you framed and ready to hang.
* Below are examples of paintings with floating frames
Option 2: Choose a Gallery Wrap Stretched Painting
If you want the frameless modern gallery wrap look the you only need to choose Stretched Gallery Wrap from the finish option dropdown.
You receive your stretched gallery wrap painting ready to hang - with a hanging wire attached behind.
The back of the Stretched Gallery Wrap looks like the image below - it has a hanging wire!
Option 3: Choose Canvas Only if you want to frame the painting yourself
Your painting will be sent to you in an art tube - you can then frame it yourself or take it to your local framer.